Master the Art of Transformation
Belief Transformation MasteryA graduate-level immersive, experiential training in clearing your clients’ negative and limiting beliefs, empowering you to become a World Class Transformational Coach (and build a 6-figure practice).
- Understand beliefs at the core of the psyche – EVERYTHING you need to know about where they come from, how they function, and how to change them.
- 30 hours of training videos, education, inner exercises and demos.
- 12 hours of Practice Lab and Office Hours with Mentor Coaches to get support, questions answered, and to dive deeper into your own belief structure.
- 24 live practice coaching sessions with peers.
- 8 supervised review sessions with an Mentor Coach.
- Measured transformation and progress via assessments before, during and after the training
- 24 hours of class time with Lion for personal guidance, clearing blocks and answering questions so you can grow exponentially.

Training Fee: $6,997
Spring Earlybird Special: $4,497
[Use Promo Code: mastery]

Introduction to Beliefs
A complete education in beliefs – the infrastructure of the human mind. Learn how beliefs form, where they come from,, and how they function in the human psyche. Understand the fundamental principle of The Creation Cycle, the role of Resistance, and how healing can happen when old patterns are experienced deeply and completed.
Appreciative Presence
Learn a powerful skill for creating a safe and healing environment for your client so the results of your interventions are optimized. This non-verbal attention strategy can create positive shifts without saying or doing anything!
The Magic of Felt Experience™
Gain the power of presence through felt experience. It is said that “the body keeps the score.” The body is always present, and embodied mindfulness focuses our attention like nothing else. The body is a route to the deep subconscious mind.
Find Your Clients’ Core Beliefs™
Four methods for diving down to the core of the psyche to locate the source of the problem.
Move past layers of resistance to the earliest memories of childhood wounds and traumas.
Help your client see exactly how and why they came to their negative conclusion.
The BodyWisdom Process™
Learn how to communicate directly with the subconscious mind.
Receive important information and guidance directly from the physical body.
Help your client relieve their aches, pain, emotional distress and discomfort through the power of guiding their attention and releasing their resistance.
Introduction to Trauma Healing™
Understand the structure of the traumatized psyche and how to release it.
Begin the process of healing deep wounds from the inside out.
Learn to nurture your inner child and get the fun, joy and excitement back into your life.
Give Back Your Crap!™
Remove indoctrinated beliefs, energies and patterns that were programmed into you.
Learn the GiveBack Process™ to clear beliefs that have been holding you back.
Free yourself from the past so you can move forward – free and unburdened.