Thank you for registering!

We’ll send you a confirmation email with your Zoom Room details – watch for it! 

We’ve added you to our email list so we can send you reminders before the training, and we’ll offer you some pre-work so you can make the most of it.  We’ll also keep you informed about our upcoming programs and trainings.

We send informative (and sometimes enlightening) emails about once a week that explore our favorite topics: the mind, consciousness, beliefs, psychology, and the big questions of life.  [You can unsubscribe anytime, but don’t do it too soon, otherwise you’ll miss our reminder emails with the link for the free training.]

If you haven’t yet downloaded our ebook, “Clear Your Clients’ Limiting Beliefs,” it’s a great introduction to our training program. Download it HERE. Use it to explore your beliefs, and beliefs themselves. What are they?  Where do they come from?  Is it possible to clear them rapidly and permanently so they’re gone from your life forever? [HINT: The answer is yes!]

I look forward to meeting you at our upcoming event. Write to us if you have any questions along the way: [email protected].


Lion Goodman signature

Lion GoodmanLion Goodman, PCC

Creator of the Clear Beliefs Coach Training
Petaluma, California, USA

Lion Goodman

Lion Goodman, PCC

Creator of the Clear Beliefs Coach Training
Petaluma, California, USA