If you could delete your clients’ limiting beliefs
and childhood wounds,what could they accomplish?

If you could clear your own beliefs
that hold you back, what could you achieve?

The Clear Beliefs Method of Trauma-Informed Therapeutic Coaching gives you the near-magical ability to create profound healing and transformation in your clients effectively and rapidly.

Learn how to:


Erase your clients’ limiting beliefs permanently, and enhance your reputation as an effective coach worth hiring.


Heal childhood wounds and psychological knots – become known as a true healer of the psyche.


Eliminate old habits of thought, emotion, and behavior, attract more clients, and earn more income.


Remove blocks and barriers that interfere with your own – and your clients’ – forward progress in every area of life


This has been one of the most satisfying learning experiences of my life. So much is offered in this program! The skills provide me with the opportunity to offer belief clearing as a stand-alone service, and it has enhanced everything else I do in my life coaching practice. I can now help my clients clear what no longer serves them, and open new possibilities for their future. I am also applying the tools to myself to improve every aspect of my life. It works!

~ Heather Dempsey
Certified Clear Beliefs Coach, Columbia, Pennsylvania


I enrolled in the training to continue my personal evolution, hoping to break through emotional blocks that have limited me for more than seven decades. In these three months, my pace of inner change shifted from a crawl to a sprint. The method reaches my core feelings gently and effectively, leading to profound emotional shifts, opening new personal horizons. This methodology is in a different league than prevailing cognitive models. Thinking I was comfortably retired, I’m now envisioning coaching others who are seeking greater emotional and spiritual maturity. If you’re looking for life-enhancing personal change, this training will lead you there.
- Skip Short
Certified Clear Beliefs Coach, Dobbs Ferry, New York


If you help people change their mindset or overcome difficulties, you MUST take this course! I have studied more than a dozen modalities, including EFT, EMDR, and Reiki. The Clear Beliefs Method is the most efficient method I’ve found for eliminating blocks, repatterning neural pathways, and healing deep core wounds. It actually borders on the miraculous. As a skeptical physician, I look carefully into the science behind any method. This is solid neuroscience, a way to work directly with the subconscious mind and clear the underlying source of any problem. It’s an investment and an opportunity you can’t afford to miss.
~ Irena Kay, MD
Executive and Relationship Coach, Frenchtown, New Jersey


This course exceeded all expectations. I enrolled to learn how to help clients overcome negative beliefs and blocks that prevent them from creating the happy family of their dreams. 100% delivered. The techniques are wise and incredibly effective. My clients are getting mind-blowing results. The course offered even more. Classes were fascinating, informative and grounded. I now have a map of the human inner landscape, I’m part of a wonderful community of people, and I’ve grown enormously as a person. I have less worry, more confidence, and more inner and outer radiance. I’m very grateful for this wonderful course.
~ Oona Alexander
Radically Loving Parenting, Herts, U.K.


This was a unique learning experience. Throughout the course, I was able to search deeply inside of myself and transform the hidden agendas and limitations of my psyche. I’ve worked on my belief system with other techniques, but I was able to go even deeper with the Clear Beliefs Method. My transformation occurred amazingly quickly, which I attribute to the brilliance of the methodology. I’ve already started using it in my coaching practice and my clients are getting wonderful results. Thank you, Lion, and thanks to all the Assistant Coaches who supported us so well during this awesome training.
~ Arzu Ozkose
Prema Coaching, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


As a transformational coach, this course was one of the most impactful I have ever taken. The benefit is immeasurable, not only for myself, but also for my clients. Lion’s teaching style and support is so clear, concise, supportive and loving that it made the experience unforgettable. The class interactions and demos helped create a safe, trusting environment that ignited real transformation. Taking this class was definitely a WOW experience!
~ Gayle Klauser
Transformational Coach, Minneapolis, MN


I wanted to learn more about beliefs and how to clear them, and this course exceeded my expectations in every way. This training is so deep and rich, and the resources are amazing. I’m grateful to Lion and his team, and all the students I got to practice with. In addition to learning tools and techniques, I learned how to stay present, calm, and use my intuition like never before. The feeling of pressure is off, the work goes fluidly, and it never gets boring! I feel like a master detective of beliefs now. I can get to my client’s core beliefs quickly, and clear them completely.
~ Andrea Grace, Certified Clear Beliefs Coach, Florida

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If you help people change their mindset or overcome difficulties, you MUST take this course! I have studied more than a dozen modalities, including EFT, EMDR, and Reiki. The Clear Beliefs Method is the most efficient method I’ve found for eliminating blocks, repatterning neural pathways, and healing deep core wounds. It actually borders on the miraculous. As a skeptical physician, I look carefully into the science behind any method. This is solid neuroscience, a way to work directly with the subconscious mind and clear the underlying source of any problem. It’s an investment and an opportunity you can’t afford to miss.

~ Irena Kay, MD
Executive and Relationship Coach, Frenchtown, New Jersey

I enrolled in the training to continue my personal evolution, hoping to break through emotional blocks that have limited me for more than seven decades. In these three months, my pace of inner change shifted from a crawl to a sprint. The method reaches my core feelings gently and effectively, leading to profound emotional shifts, opening new personal horizons. This methodology is in a different league than prevailing cognitive models. Thinking I was comfortably retired, I’m now envisioning coaching others who are seeking greater emotional and spiritual maturity. If you’re looking for life-enhancing personal change, this training will lead you there.

~ Skip Short
Certified Clear Beliefs Coach, Dobbs Ferry, New York

This has been one of the most satisfying learning experiences of my life. So much is offered in this program! The many skills I’ve learned are having a huge impact on my clients. I can now help them clear what no longer serves them, and open new possibilities for their future.  I can offer belief clearing as a new stand-alone service, and it has enhanced everything else I already do in my life coaching practice. We apply the tools to ourselves during the course to see and demonstrate improvements in every aspect of our lives. It really works!

~ Heather Dempsey
Certified Clear Beliefs Coach, Columbia, Pennsylvania

This course exceeded all expectations. I enrolled to learn how to help clients overcome negative beliefs and blocks that prevent them from creating the happy family of their dreams. 100% delivered. The techniques are wise and incredibly effective. My clients are getting mind-blowing results.  The course offered even more.  Classes were fascinating, informative and grounded. I now have a map of the human inner landscape, I’m part of a wonderful community of people, and I’ve grown enormously as a person. I have less worry, more confidence, and more inner and outer radiance. I’m very grateful for this wonderful course.

~ Oona Alexander
Radically Loving Parenting, Herts, U.K.

The Clear Beliefs training fills in the missing pieces that other programs don’t (or won’t) take on. I now feel confident to intuitively support others with almost any issue they might present. This program offers techniques for creating positive outcomes related to trauma, emotional dysregulation, and even physical issues such as pain. Now I’m fully prepared for the universe to bring the people I’m supposed to help. I’ll be using these techniques with all of my clients. This training has expanded my view, my tool-set, and my confidence that I can help people achieve breakthroughs in their lives. It’s my #1 recommendation.

~ Lorraine LaPointe
Head Heart Synergy, Ontario, Canada



Clear Your Client's Limiting Beliefs Free E-Book
Clear Your Client's Limiting Beliefs Free E-Book



The Clear Beliefs Method

Do you know how to remove the resistance, blocks, and barriers that inevitably show up when your clients try to move forward?

The Clear Beliefs Method is a comprehensive set of tools for helping your clients banish old beliefs, remove internal resistance, and clear historic patterns of thought and behavior. The method is easy-to-learn, powerfully effective, and thoroughly enjoyable to conduct! It adds depth and power to your professional services.

When you clear a core belief, you can feel an immediate and sustainable shift. Resistance disappears. Motivation soars. Doubt, hesitation, and self-sabotage drop away. Self-esteem and personal power expand. You become truly free.

When you can create this kind of transformation, your reputation will soar.

The Clear Beliefs Method will become one of your most powerful tools to help your clients move forward and succeed.

Coaches, psychotherapists, healers and consultants

Is the Clear Beliefs Coach Training for You?

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What is included in this training?

20 Live Teleclasses

Learn the principles and practices of the Clear Beliefs Method for clearing beliefs, healing childhood traumas, and shifting the psyche at its core, taught by founder Lion Goodman, PCC.  Free yourself and your clients with these tools.

Training Materials

Our comprehensive Learning Management System contains more than 100 pdf lessons, 60 video and audio recordings of class lectures and demonstrations, and detailed instructions for conducting every process. There are more than 75 additional articles and reference materials for further study.

CCE Continuing Coach Education logo

Earn 40 Hours of CCE Credits

The course is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) for 40 hours of CCE Credits. Upon graduation, you will be Certified as a Clear Beliefs Coach.

30+ Practice Sessions

You’ll practice each skill with student partners, alternating between coaching, being the client, and observing. You’ll get a direct experience of each process’ impact. Bring your life into the training and heal what no longer serves you.

Guidance and Support

You and your partners will be supervised by a Certified Assistant Coach who will meet with you regularly to support you with observation, assessment, feedback, and individualized mentoring.

Bonus Materials

You’ll receive audio and video recordings of all 20 classes, dozens of bonus articles, recorded interviews and demos, and additional study materials, as well as the Clear Your Beliefs personal development course.

From The Founder


Thank you for joining me here!

The Clear Beliefs Coach Training is the culmination and synthesis of my 40+ years of study and practice in a wide variety of disciplines: psychology, neurology, personal growth, spirituality, history, cosmology, philosophy, and the principles of success. I researched and worked with more than 100 techniques and theories for changing consciousness and healing the psyche. I was the center of my own experiments, seeking the most efficient methods for my own growth, healing, and transformation.

I came to the realization that beliefs were the fundamental building block of our experiences. They are the infrastructure of the psyche – and consciousness itself. This infrastructure has been called by many names: mental schemas, paradigms, interpretive filters, maps of meaning, neural pathways, and dozens of others. Regardless of what you call them, they operate in the subconscious mind, beneath our conscious view of the world, and experience of reality. They shape our view of the ourselves, how we see others, and how we respond to the world. They limit who we are and what we’re capable of. And they carry the potential of un-limiting us, freeing us from the past, and opening new possibilities.

The belief layer of the mind is the optimum leverage point to create rapid, effective internal change. If you change your beliefs, you change your reality.

From The Founder


Thank you for visiting!

The Clear Beliefs Coach Training is the culmination and synthesis of 40+ years of study and practice in a wide variety of disciplines: psychology, neurology, personal growth, spirituality, history, cosmology, philosophy, and the principles of success. I researched and worked with more than 100 teachers, techniques and theories for changing consciousness and healing the psyche. I was on a quest to find the most efficient methods for my own growth, healing, and transformation.

I concluded that beliefs are the fundamental building block of our experiences. They are the infrastructure of the psyche and consciousness itself. This background structure has been called by many names: mental schemas, paradigms, interpretive filters, maps of meaning, neural pathways, and dozens of others labels. Regardless of what you call them, they operate in the subconscious mind, beneath our conscious view of ourselves and the world. They shape our experience, our relationships, our career, our finances, and how we respond to our circumstances. They limit who we are and what we’re capable of. They also carry the potential of un-limiting us, freeing us from the past, and opening new possibilities. But you need the key to unlock them.

This layer of the mind is the optimum leverage point to create rapid, effective internal change.

Change your beliefs, and you change your reality. It’s easy with the right technology.

The Benefits of Becoming
a Clear Beliefs Coach

This professional course is designed for those who want to work more deeply and effectively with their clients, helping them transform their perceptions, relationships, and interactions in the world.

It is based on a solid foundation of science, the philosophy of consciousness, neurology, psychological research, and personal and spiritual development.

The process utilizes a proprietary method of memory re-consolidation, which causes permanent change in the client’s internal state of mind, resulting in a changed outlook and perspective on life.

In addition, it provides the practitioner with tools for self-development and personal growth. It is a sacred space to eliminate your own blocks, barriers, and resistance in your life, relationships, and business.

The 4 Levels of the Training

Level One – Introduction to Belief Transformation

The Nature of Consciousness, The Brain, and the Psyche

Level Two – Belief Transformation Mastery

The Nature and Function of Beliefs, and How to Clear Them

Level Three – Trauma and Inner Parts Transformation

Healing Childhood Wounds, Inner Voices, and Trauma

Level Four – Manifestation of Your Dreams

How to Use Beliefs to Manifest Your Dreams and Success

Course Questions and Answers

How long is the course?

There are 20 live 2-hour classes over five months. There are breaks between sections, and holiday weeks are skipped.

How many hours each week will I need to dedicate to the course?

This is a comprehensive and rigorous course, requiring at least ten to twelve hours of study and practice each week. The live classes are at fixed times each week (Tuesdays, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm PT). You will schedule your practice sessions with your student partners at your convenience (three times per week, approximately 1.5 hours per practice session). There is reading, inner work, watching videos, report writing, and exams, as well. You need to put in the time and effort in order to get the tremendous value this course provides. This is an investment in your own evolution and brilliance, and the rewards are numerous.

What if I can’t attend some (or all) of the classes?

Recordings of each class are posted within 48 hours so you can “attend” each class as if you were there. Some students (especially those in Asia and Australasia) attend all classes by recording due to their time zone. Our Australasia group meets regularly with Assistant Coaches.  You will have an Assistant Coach who will stay in close communication with you, following your progress and supporting your progress. Students report that the amount of support they received from staff was “tremendous.”

How will my progress be tracked?

Each week, you’ll fill out Weekly Report Forms to share your experiences, questions, and progress.  There are brief quizzes throughout the training for you to check your own understanding of the material.  Your Assistant Coach (a graduate of the program) monitors your progress, provides feedback, and supports your learning and personal development. Questions are welcomed during the live classes. Students have ready access to Lion and he is very responsive. Many students are surprised at the close attention they receive, and have commented that they’ve never experienced such support and loving care from a teaching team.

Will I have to take notes?

No. We provide detailed written instructions, transcripts of lectures, detailed homework instructions, and our Learning Management System will deliver all the written, audio and video materials you need for the week. You can give your full attention to the class presentations, demos, and Q&A. (You are welcome to take notes if you wish. Some students learn best by doing so.)

What are the requirement for graduation as a Certified Clear Beliefs Coach?

This is a comprehensive training, and the requirements are rigorous, yet they are easy to accomplish if you keep up with the assignments each week. Here are the minimum requirements for graduation:
• Read all sections of the Clear Beliefs instructional material.
• Attend 18 classes – either live, or by listening to recordings.
• With your practice partners, have sessions together three times each week. In one session you are the Coach, practicing the skill or technique, in the next you are the Client, and in the third session you are the Observer, providing feedback and support. This triad approach optimizes your learning experience.
• Submit weekly Reports about your experiences.
• Stay in communication with your Assistant Coach, and be observed by them periodically. They will track your progress and skill level, and offer feedback and guidance along the way.
• Complete additional assignments and reports.
• Take periodic assessments, quizzes and pass the Final Exam and Competency Review.

To fulfill all of the requirements, students report that it requires a commitment of eight to twelve hours each week.

Will I change, get better, solve my problems, and heal from my childhood wounds during the course?

We cannot promise this, of course, because it depends on what you bring to the course, and how rigorous you are with your practice. We CAN report, however, that most students experience a radical shift in their attitude, consciousness, abilities and confidence by the end of the course. Check out the many testimonials from our graduates here. Students report significant healing, radical transformation (in some cases), and huge positive movement in their life and ability to create success. You are encouraged to bring your life issues into the practice so you can clear whatever is standing in the way of your success. You’ll receive more than fifteen belief-change sessions during the course. Miracles are not only possible in this training, they’re quite routine!

What if I can’t carve out eight to twelve hours a week for 20 weeks?

Eight to twelve hours per week is the average time students take to complete the course and meet the high standards of the training. If you know you can’t handle the required time, attention, and energy, please don’t apply. If you’re not sure, make an appointment to speak with Lion to get clear about your situation. Schedule a complimentary 15-minute conversation here: http://bit.ly/Lion15minute

What if I can’t afford the course?

Three partial scholarships are offered during each training. If you would like to apply, fill out this form: http://bit.ly/CBCTscholarship.

We offer a 10% discount to veterans, schoolteachers, and those who work for non-profit organizations. There are payment plans available on the registration page, extending payments out over two, four or six months.

What is your refund policy if the course is not for me?

We are so confident in the power and value of the training that we offer a 100% money-back guarantee. If you complete the training and fulfill all your requirements, and you do not believe you got your money’s worth, we will refund 100% of your fee. See the details on our Guarantee page.


For decades, I struggled with eating disorders, anxiety, depression, and self-doubt. I could have been out enjoying my life, but I wasted the best years focused on food and continually beating myself down for not being perfect. I acted like a helpless victim. It makes me sad to write that. But, I found the Clear Beliefs process, and now, I am creating the life I want to live.
~ Kimberly Lee
Eating Disorder Recover Coach, Erlenbach, Germany


The Clear Beliefs Coach Training is a beautiful, safe and engaged learning environment. People felt safe to be vulnerable and authentic, and because of this, we were able learn, explore and transform together. As a coach, I’ve seen that success is an inside job. People get stuck and don’t achieve what they want because of the stories they tell themselves. These stories have their root in beliefs and perspectives we hold. This is what makes the program so impactful. The technology allows us to speak directly to the subconscious mind and create fast and lasting change from the inside out. It’s a MUST for anyone looking to help others transform their lives and get the results they desire.

~ Joanne Cary
Life Performance Coach, Educator and Speaker,
Carlsbad, California

This training has transformed my healing business! I own a holistic spa, providing treatments as a Reiki Master Healer, Vibrational Energy Therapist, and holistic esthetician. This training gave me the knowledge and confidence to support my clients in a richer, more meaningful way. Our clients are responding very positively to this new modality. If you’re a healer, coach, or therapist, you’ll love the profound depth and learning this class offers.

~ Cheri Petroni
Oasis to Zen Transformation Spa, Las Vegas, Nevada USA


The Clear Beliefs training fills in the missing pieces that other programs don’t (or won’t) take on. I now feel confident to intuitively support others with almost any issue they might present. This program offers techniques for creating positive outcomes related to trauma, emotional dysregulation, and even physical issues such as pain. Now I’m fully prepared for the universe to bring the people I’m supposed to help. I’ll be using these techniques with all of my clients. This training has expanded my view, my tool-set, and my confidence that I can help people achieve breakthroughs in their lives. It’s my #1 recommendation.
~ Lorraine LaPointe
Head Heart Synergy, Ontario, Canada


I’ve taken dozens of trainings, and none have produced this kind of transformation. This class is amazing: the resources, the pace, the tools, and the support are unlike any training I’ve taken. It allowed me to truly complete my healing journey. Lion is a masterful guide, leading the way to awakening and presence, sharing his deep understanding of developmental psychology and the infrastructure of beliefs. It’s a foundation for creating quality in my own life and in my clients’ lives. I’ve gotten my power back and I’m stepping fully into my life. No more holding myself back. I’m open to being fully human, and fully myself.
~ Andrea Ferrante
Beyond Ordinary Life, Falmouth, Maine


The Clear Beliefs Coach Training is an opportunity to become more fully embodied and deeply integrated with your existing knowledge, wisdom, experience, and healing. The course empowered me to move forward in my mission to serve others by helping them discover and heal their unconscious beliefs, patterns, and childhood wounds. Every aspect of the program was outstanding: the unique and effective techniques, the personal attention and support received, practicing and interacting with fellow students, and the resources for continued learning and growth. I have gained more personal confidence as a coach and healer, and I’m now stepping out in a bigger way to share my gifts. This training is like the cherry on top of the cake I’ve been creating for the past 8 years!
~ Sharon A. Fisher
Certified Life Coach, Emotion Code Practitioner, Comfort Coaching, Binghamton, NY


I’ve learned so much in this course! For me, the best thing was learning a very specific way to feel and express appreciation, which has changed my whole perspective on life. Lion’s process is practical, learnable, and transformational. I have gone through many changes during the course. I feel more grounded, more confident, and more empowered. I can speak to different parts of myself, my inner voices, and turn them into allies. This is a huge breakthrough. As a manager in the corporate world, I’m excited to bring this technology into my company so I can help others with these breakthrough tools.
~ Tatiana Simplicio, Corporate Manager, Portugal

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This was a unique learning experience. Throughout the course, I was able to search deeply inside of myself and transform the hidden agendas and limitations of my psyche. I’ve worked on my belief system with other techniques, but I was able to go even deeper with the Clear Beliefs Method. My transformation occurred amazingly quickly, which I attribute to the brilliance of the methodology. I’ve already started using it in my coaching practice and my clients are getting wonderful results. Thank you, Lion, and thanks to all the Assistant Coaches who supported us so well during this awesome training. (1:51)
~ Arzu Ozkose
Prema Coaching, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I’ve taken dozens of trainings, and none have produced this kind of transformation. This class is amazing: the resources, the pace, the tools, and the support are unlike any training I’ve taken. It allowed me to truly complete my healing journey. Lion is a masterful guide, leading the way to awakening and presence, sharing his deep understanding of developmental psychology and the infrastructure of beliefs. It’s a foundation for creating quality in my own life and in my clients’ lives. I’ve gotten my power back and I’m stepping fully into my life. No more holding myself back. I’m open to being fully human, and fully myself.
~ Andrea Ferrante
Beyond Ordinary Life, Falmouth, Maine

As a transformational coach, this course was one of the most impactful I have ever taken. The benefit is immeasurable, not only for myself, but also for my clients. Lion’s teaching style and support is so clear, concise, supportive and loving that it made the experience unforgettable. The class interactions and demos helped create a safe, trusting environment that ignited real transformation. Taking this class was definitely a WOW experience! (2:04)
~ Gayle Klauser
Transformational Coach, Minneapolis, MN

The Clear Beliefs Coach Training is an opportunity to become more fully embodied and deeply integrated with your existing knowledge, wisdom, experience, and healing. The course empowered me to move forward in my mission to serve others by helping them discover and heal their unconscious beliefs, patterns, and childhood wounds. Every aspect of the program was outstanding: the unique and effective techniques, the personal attention and support received, practicing and interacting with fellow students, and the resources for continued learning and growth. I have gained more personal confidence as a coach and healer, and I’m now stepping out in a bigger way to share my gifts. This training is like the cherry on top of the cake I’ve been creating for the past 8 years! (1:42 cut off)
~ Sharon A. Fisher
Certified Life Coach, Emotion Code Practitioner, Comfort Coaching, Binghamton, NY

I wanted to learn more about beliefs and how to clear them, and this course exceeded my expectations in every way. This training is so deep and rich, and the resources are amazing. I’m grateful to Lion and his team, and all the students I got to practice with. In addition to learning tools and techniques, I learned how to stay present, calm, and use my intuition like never before. The feeling of pressure is off, the work goes fluidly, and it never gets boring! I feel like a master detective of beliefs now. I can get to my client’s core beliefs quickly, and clear them completely.

~ Andrea Grace, Certified Clear Beliefs Coach, Florida

I’ve learned so much in this course! For me, the best thing was learning a very specific way to feel and express appreciation, which has changed my whole perspective on life. Lion’s process is practical, learnable, and transformational. I have gone through many changes during the course. I feel more grounded, more confident, and more empowered. I can speak to different parts of myself, my inner voices, and turn them into allies. This is a huge breakthrough. As a manager in the corporate world, I’m excited to bring this technology into my company so I can help others with these breakthrough tools.
~ Tatiana Simplicio, Corporate Manager, Portugal


Add this powerful set of transformational tools to your existing tool-set.

Clear your own beliefs and negative patterns as you learn to clear others’.

Your light will shine more brightly. You will become more successful naturally.

New possibilities open when you dissolve past limitations.

Nothing will be able to stop your forward progress and success in the world.

Use these practical tools to transform your world – one belief at a time.

Join us in our quest to transform and awaken people and society.


Lion Goodman, PCC
Creator of the Clear Beliefs Method
Sonoma County, California


If you’re not ready for the training, register here and we’ll add you to our mailing list. We send a great weekly email on fascinating topics, along with information about our upcoming trainings.