Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast The Red Queen proclaimed that she sometimes believed six impossible things before breakfast. In Tim Burton’s fantastic film, Alice in Wonderland, Alice is portrayed as an ingénue who is caught between two worlds: the staid...
Why Not Eliminate All Beliefs? I’m sometimes asked, “Why not just eliminate all your beliefs? Isn’t that the point of enlightenment?” It is possible to eliminate all of your beliefs with the Clear Beliefs Process. It would take some time – because you’ve...
7 Steps to Clearing Any Beliefs After studying more than twenty different belief-change methodologies, I was able to identify seven crucial elements of the belief change process. I tested these methodologies personally, and also with my clients. If all seven are...
Truth? Or New Age Fiction? “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Napoleon Hill (1883-1970) wrote this famous line in his classic 1937 book, Think and Grow Rich. Hill drew on stories of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and...
Belief Self-Diagnosis Exercise This exercise will help you expose your own subconscious (invisible) beliefs to your conscious mind. At the end of the exercise, you’ll be instructed to choose three beliefs you would like to change. You can then bring these beliefs into...